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Exhibition Statement: Image
Concept: Greek mythology creates an entire world in which there is an explanation for everything in life. From words to the seasons, there is a story for everything. It is a big aspect of modern culture; there are ample amounts of references, ideologies, tv shows & movies that all include Greek mythology (Bhat). In psychology you will hear about an Oedipus Complex, that was derived from the Greek myth. There is a myth for the word "narcissist", even Professor Minerva from Harry Potter was inspired from Greek culture. This culture is still so relevant so a workshop that introduces students to these ideas is important.
History & Distinction
In this workshop students focused on how art is able to set the tone for the story or characters. Since Greek mythology has such a wide variety of art associated with it we used that to our advantage. In class mythological paintings were used to learn how to analyze art, look at different techniques, and discuss how the student’s perspective of the story changed after looking at the art. Some of the artists we looked at were Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (Tiepolo),and Paolo Caliari Veronese. These were two Italian artists that helped shape the way Greek Mythology is viewed in modern times.
The semester being online was very difficult but we were able to pull through. We ran into many obstacles we would not have faced had we been in person. Even trying to switch back and forth from share screen has its difficulties. Breakout rooms and the chat were utilized to increase participation. A few times Haley and I had to do last minute breakout rooms and polls, I wouldn’t be able to do it without her. Our online semester did have its benefits though, the chat was a great way to get students that aren't as comfortable speaking out loud the chance to still voice their opinion. There was also a section in the workshop dedicated to students presenting their art and having it on the camera actually helped tremendously.
Audience & Impact
The workshop’s audience was students that have an appreciation for art and history. The students that love painting and want to express themselves more. A huge part of the workshop was allowing the students to create art in the way they wanted. If you take a look at the student's work you'll be able to see how unique each person's work is. They all used different techniques and forms of art. So for the final project students were asked to create themselves as a god or goddess; Art Scholars is filled with talented and unique people so why not give them the opportunity to show their true colors. Those are the kinds of people my workshop was targeted for.
Bhat, P. (2020, April 10). Greek mythology and its lasting influence on modern civilization. Retrieved April 16, 2021, from
Tiepolo, G. (1970, January 01). Apollo and DAPHNE, 1743 - 1744 - Giovanni Battista Tiepolo. Retrieved April 18, 2021, from
I would love to give a huge shoutout to Haley Zawitoski. She consistently supported me through everything and dedicated so much of her time to helping. She kept me calm and was able to handle anything I or the workshop threw at her. Truly the best TA anyone could ask for.
I would also like to acknowledge Harold and Heather for their kindness and support.
Lastly, I would like to thank Saxon Brown, my very first friend at college. I can't wait to see you do great things.
Exhibition Statement: Text
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