Doofus Drinks Wine and Destroys City
Ballpoint pen and Marker

One day, Dionysus, the god of wine, came upon the small city of Pellopus and saw it fit to hold his greatest treasure. After consulting with the city leaders, they worked out a deal. The city would keep Dionysus' greatest wine and in exchange, the city would be able to attract tourists from all over to gaze at the beautiful color of the wine. However, Dionysus warned the leaders that if the wine were touched, he would destroy the city. Years later, after the wine had generated thousands of Drachma in revenue for the city through tourism, a young man named Freddyopus walked into the wine room and took a sip of the wine. The city was destroyed shortly after. The End.
I created this drawing to reflect what happened. The vase of wine has been already sipped by Freddyopus in the scene. On the right side you can see a citizen in desperation because he knows this is the end of Pellopus.